Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Knit and Crochet

I have been having a lot of fun lately knitting and crocheting bath items. It is something I do while watching tv etc. I have crocheted all my life and recently re-started knitting. I was doing a lot of socks and decided I needed to branch out into different things. I am getting too many socks! LOL but is that even possible? So here are some pictures of what I have made. The "cotton balls" are really nice to have. I use them all the time and they wear really well and wash up great. The wash cloths are terrific in the kitchen or the bath. They would also be good for babies. The bath puffs are just fun to make - so there you go. Have a great day! Pam
Oh and I forgot to say you can find them here!


Leah said...

oooh its the Hyperbolic Plane :) I love these! Mathematics meets crafting - its awesome!

check out this video :)

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Lovely work! :) I wish I could crochet.